Set your child up for future success.
Your child won’t pay tax on investment income until they withdraw it for school, ensuring their savings grow faster.
The government wants to support your child’s future, offering grants to boost the savings you set aside.
Grandparents, aunties, uncles and even friends can add to your child’s education savings.
Your RESP can hold a variety of investments, including mutual funds, term deposits and even savings accounts.
It’s never too early to start saving for your child’s post-secondary education. We can help.
What is a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)?
A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a special tax-sheltered savings account that allows you to save for a child’s post-secondary education.
The CLB was designed to support lower income Canadians wanting to save for a child’s education. Qualifying families will receive $500 initially for opening the RESP without needing to make any contribution. Your child may also qualify for an additional $100 annually up to the age of 15, which could result in an additional $1,500 for an RESP.
Through the CESG, the federal government will match 20% of funds contributed to the RESP of an eligible child to a maximum of $500 each year and a lifetime amount of $7,200. This base amount of 20% matching is not dependent on income. However, those from mid to lower income families may qualify to receive higher matching amounts of up to 40%.
We'll be happy to help review your financial goals and see if an RESP is the right solution to reach them.
See how RESP contributions, combined with government grants, will help your child’s savings grow.
The annual RESP deadline is December 31 – and, if you have kids, there are a few very good reasons to contribute.
Want to learn more about investing? Wish you could save more and spend less? This guide has you covered.