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  • Financing


We have got loan products to meet your business needs.
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Borrowing designed to help your business grow

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It just makes sense...

For loans under $100,000, you can apply at Brunswick Credit Union and your protection could begin right away. Coverage is also available on loans up to $500,000.


Get financing for your business your way

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Take a look at the latest competitive rates we offer for our lending solutions.

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Try our calculator to explore financing options to fit your business and its budget.


Level up your financial know-how

Funding your small business idea

The true story of success- from idea to advice and financing- the credit union way.

Four things to know about starting a business

Blushco. founders saw an opportunity and rose to the occasion—all with a bit of help from their local credit union.

Get more genuine tips, tricks, andĀ helpfulĀ resources on our Honest Money blog.